Brian Kemp: Protecting Parental Choice, Supporting Licensed Childcare Providers


Protecting Parental Choice, Supporting Licensed Childcare Providers

Licensed childcare providers play a vital role in early childhood education. These hardworking Georgians ensure a safe environment for our children and prepare students for a lifetime of learning.

Sadly, those who operate private childcare facilities – and their employees – are burdened by regulations, lack representation on the state level, and are constantly hindered by red tape and government bureaucracy. “One-size-fits-all” policies and liberal lawmakers undermine parental choice and ultimately threaten the future of privately run childcare centers.

As governor, conservative businessman and Secretary of State Brian Kemp will put our children – not the status quo – first by supporting parent choice in early childhood education, leveling the playing field through regulatory reform, and creating better representation and fair treatment under the Gold Dome.

Kemp’s plan for early childhood education:

  • Protect parental choice by rejecting efforts to eliminate privately run childcare centers;
  • Create a Commission on Early Childhood Learning and level the playing field for licensed childcare providers through regulatory reform, identify and eliminate bureaucracy for better outcomes;
  • Ensure fair representation for licensed childcare providers on the DECAL Board, Keep competent leadership at DECAL
  • Move more Georgia Pre-K classes to the private sector;
  • Support funding for the Georgia Pre-K Program;

As Secretary of State, Brian Kemp cut government red tape to streamline processes and make it easier for businesses to grow and Georgians to work. He will do the same thing as governor.