DECAL PreK Updates Meeting May 17th Recap

GCCA Members:

The Georgia's PREK team hosted a webinar last week, led by Deputy Commissioner for PREK and Instructional Supports Susan Adams. During this webinar, a great deal of information was presented about Georgia's PREK, including items about closing out the existing school year and items about starting the upcoming 24-25 school year.
You can find a recorded version of the webinar here:
The team at GCCA attended and made the following notes; we hope these are helpful:
  • New and Expanded Classrooms awarded in 2023-2024 school year will receive add’l $22K for start-up; payments will be made this week.
  • In SY 24-25, class sizes will be reduced to 20 per class. No final decision has been made about prorating, though it is likely that some proration for classrooms enrolled under 20 students will occur.
  • In SY 24-25, increased transportation funds are provided to all programswhether providing transportation or not, to encourage programs to consider providing transportation.
  • There were a number of positive changes (amounts and timelines) as to how both lead and assistant teachers will be compensated. It will be imperative that GA PREK program directors understand these changesIt is recommended that you discuss these with your PREK consultant if you have questions.
  • GA PREK hopes to post the per child rate chart by the end of the month; the team is working on an FAQ based on provider questions as well. GCCA will be sure to share these with members when they are available.
  • The process for awarding new, budgeted $15K replenishment grants is still under consideration; we know that there will be a 5-year cycle starting in SY 24-25.
  • There are many changes coming as PANDA retires as the new system GAPREK launches on July 1. Be on the look out for communication about in-person and virtual training sessions on the new system -- do not miss out!
  • Get ready for system changes by establishing a unique email address for system users (there can only be one person assigned to any email address in the system), updating bank account changes by June 14 by emailing (form for this on PREK Project Director webpage).